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Heather  Hegewald, Testimonial, Coach Constance, dating, love, relationship expert

Heather Hegewald

Relationships can be super challenging. Navigating them alone with limited perspective and a suitcase full of old beliefs and ideas of how to date and relate can be really tricky, lonely and painful. The perspective and shift in attitude that Coach Constance offers is a game-changer!  

Wall of Love

Mindy, Testimonial, Coach Constance, dating, love, relationship expert


Coach Constance is helping to heal the world, one woman/relationship at a time. It starts small and fans out.

Jeanette Yoffe, Testimonial, Coach Constance, dating, love, relationship expert

Jeanette Yoffe, M.F.T Psychotherapist

Constance is the woman who knows and teaches us all, how to self love, how to find love, and how to maintain love. Her coursework teaches, setting healthy boundaries, learning how to communicate effectively with your partner and respect the relationship not only you have with your significant other but with your self. 

I highly recommend Constance's program to anyone! You will develop the tools necessary, and capacity to love! 

Jill Munroe

What things were like before working with Coach Constance was that I was walking around in a fog. Scenarios and experiences were stressful and repetitive and I was feeling stuck in my emotions without being able to communicate myself accordingly and appropriately within different situations. 

Michelle Bergloff

Coach Constance has been the most creative positive teacher in the art of relationships. It’s like winning the lottery! Fun fresh approach to modern dating and relating! 

Michelle Ruben

It feels wonderful to have clarity and make choices that are loving to myself. I always feel empowered and supported after working with Coach Constance. She is really brilliant at what she does.

Loreen Dillman

Working with Coach Constance has helped me improve my communication and confidence when discussing difficult topics. Before I started working with her, I pretty much didn't know how to start a conversation that was about relationship conflicts. I mostly reacted from my hurt or angry feelings. Constance has given very practical examples on how to initiate and communicate that is direct and nonthreatening. After working with Coach Constance, I feel empowered to bring up difficult topics.

Cyndi Meyers-Morrison

Content with a life beyond my wildest dreams with a husband I love and respect, I live with the experiences of abundance and generosity. The tools I continue to learn and practice using give me choices in my behavior and relating.


I knew I could find love but struggled to with the hookup world of online dating. Coach Constance helped me navigate the pitfalls and taught me how to get what I want. 


I feel happier, more beautiful, more at ease and a deeper sense of faith on a daily basis. I also have more fun in my dating life.

Alex Swepston

I recommend her for anyone who needs relationship advice , both romantic relationships and just brushing up on communication skills. She is brilliant.


She is a master. Better relationships & that's very important.

Jay Howarth

I have been successful at work and in my social life. But I was single throughout my journey and I couldnt figure out why I hadnt attracted a long term relationship. Coach Constance's work resonated deeply with my heart.
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  • Love Letter: to receive

  • One love idea: to think about

  • Vison affirmation: to declare

  • Evidence of love: to inspire you

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